Cabin Counsellors

Cabin Counsellors

Camp Walden’s cabin groups are like families – living, eating and playing together. Each cabin group is made up of 8-12 children, at least 2-3 Counsellors and 1-3 General Specialists, for a total of 3-6 staff per cabin. As a Counsellor you, along with a co-counsellor and under the direction of the Unit Head, support and direct children, to ensure that they each have a safe and healthy camp experience.


As a Cabin Counsellor at Camp Walden you will provide a safe and caring environment for everyone. Cabin Counsellors are always with their cabin group.  Counsellors eat meals with their respective cabin group, supervise scheduled activities, and see their campers safely to bed.

A typical day could inclue any or all of the following responsibilities:

Getting your campers to the dining hall for breakfast in time.

  • On duty during the meal, supervising your cabin group.
  • Organizing the table and making sure everyone gets fed including campers with dietary needs and any special accomodations.
  • Manage table clean-up.
  • Ensuring attentive campers during announcements.
  • Making sure campers are polite and respectful to kitchen staff and each other.

  • Instructing your campers on how to keep a tidy home.
  • Model cleanliness in maintaining your own area.
  • Ensuring campers are appropriately dressed and read for the morning activities.
  • Morning routines help the day get off to a great start!

  • Getting your campers to their activities on time and in appropriate gear.
  • Ensure everyone participates and has fun.
  • Make sure kids respect the staff and maintain safety standards.

After ensuring campers are attended to, you may be required to attend meetings or prep for evening programs. Staff may use this time to rest as well!

  • Remain on duty during this camper’s choice activity period.
  • Accompany your campers to the activity areas of their choice.
  • Assist specialists in their areas.
  • Assist with programming while maintaining supervision of your campers.
  • Ensure all your campers have plans to attend an activity.
  • Jr. Camp counsellors must ensure campers are taking showers if they are assigned during this time.

  • Assisting with preparation, planning and stocking supplies.
  • Helping keep kids quiet & engaged.
  • You may volunteer or be asked to run evening programs throughout the summer – it’s a chance to express your creativity and originality. Planning and timely follow-through are essential.

Are you considering being a Colour Counsellor?

Staff assigned to our youngest campers the Colour Unit, should be aware that they may be asked to move cabins or units during the July session, which may also affect your days off and OD schedule.

Date commitments

To apply for this position you must be able to commit to the following time commitments:

All-Staff Pre-camp

June 21st – June 27th

Camp Season

June 27th – August 14th

Job Opportunities

Explore our other positions at Camp Walden to find your ideal summer job.