
A walk through of a canoe trip meal plan

June 25th, 2018

A major highlight of the trip experience for many Walden campers is the food we prepare and cook over the campfire. The following is a typical “meal plan” that a cabin group may experience on a 4-day canoe trip!

Day 1:

  • Breakfast: The Walden kitchen will prepare breakfast for the campers before we head on the buses and out to Algonquin Park!
  • Lunch: The first lunch of a Walden canoe trip is normally served where the buses drop us off and is a bagel with salami and/or cheese!
  • Dinner: The first dinner will be burritos! The campers and staff will all collect wood together and we will cook veggies, beans, and chicken over the fire.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: To start of our day, we will all have some oatmeal! Pro tip: open the package upside-down to make sure all the flavouring gets mixed in.
  • Lunch: The cabin will take a midday break for a BBQ lunch with your choice of hamburgers or hotdogs!
  • Snack: During an afternoon of hard work and fun, we all enjoy a midafternoon snack consisting of gummies!
  • Dinner: Once we are settled into our site for the night, we will collect wood again, build a fire and boil pasta. We will then cook vegetables and add pesto in! We will also make s’mores for dessert!

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: We will enjoy some pop-tarts to get our day started before we leave our campsite to have another amazing day of adventure!
  • Lunch: Trip pizza!!!!! Trip pizza is a favourite among all our campers and staff and consists off a tortilla, tomato sauce, cheese, and basil.
  • Snack: We will have bits and bites for our snack today!
  • Dinner: For our last dinner, we will have another trip favourite, Smartie pancakes!

Day 4:

  • Breakfast: Granola bars — we will have granola bars before we get on the buses to head back to camp.
  • Lunch: Fast food — To celebrate our success over the past few days, we will be treated to some fast food before we get back to camp!
  • Dinner: Dinner will be served back at Walden!