Think you might be ready? We’re here to help.

Discovery Programs

Are you looking to transition your kids smoothly from day camp to overnight camp? We offer three excellent programs for you to consider:

Table of contents


The Walden Long Weekend

Three-night trip for 1st-time overnight campers over a weekend in August. 


Home & Away Program

Two weeks at Camp Robin Hood and two weeks at Walden!


The Family Weekend

Bring your entire family to Camp Walden for a June weekend.


Home & Away Program

Together with Camp Robin Hood, we provide families with fun and gradual stepping stones to the overnight camp experience through our joint Home & Away Program — combining the best of the day and overnight experiences into one fantastic program.

  • Eligible to campers who have completed Grade 2
  • Enroll through Camp Walden
  • Spend 2-weeks at Camp Robin Hood & 2-weeks at Camp Walden

A Natural Partnership

Camp Robin Hood is the sister camp to Camp Walden and the starting point for many kids’ first experiences of summer camp. Camp Robin Hood’s directors, Howie and Sari, are the co-owners of Camp Walden along with Sol and his wife, Jen. It makes Walden and Camp Robin Hood part of one big family, and makes your child’s transition to full-fledged overnight camp an easy one.

Meet Sari and Howie Grossinger, co-owners of Camp Walden and Owners/Directors at Camp Robin Hood

Our Counsellors Stay With Your Child

One of the many benefits of our Home & Away program is that staff who work with your campers at Camp Robin Hood travel to Camp Walden for the overnight component. Home & Away campers bunk with their familiar groups and are supervised jointly by Robin Hood and Walden staff.

Our carefully selected staff; and the excellent training they receive from both camps, makes the transition to being away that much easier for your campers.

How the program helps your family

Camp Robin Hood provides the ideal “pre-sleep away camp” option with the focus on cabins and traditional summer camp experience. Our camps’ shared values of inclusion and acceptance are there from the start of your camper’s journey and continue every summer.

An experienced leadership team that ensures the highest quality staff and training for both camps. Communication between Robin Hood and Walden ensures that your child’s needs are addressed as they move from day camp to overnight.

Finally, your family becomes part of our family! Howie and Sari, and the rest of the team, watch your child grow every summer, providing the attention and care that makes camp both fun and empowering.


Set up a call with Sari or Howie at Camp Robin Hood to talk about the Home & Away program today!


The Walden Long Weekend

The Walden Long Weekend is designed to introduce Camp Walden to kids who are ready for a little taste of overnight camp life and the opportunity to experience all that Camp Walden has to offer! Campers who have recently completed grade 1 will spend quality time with our incredible staff, as well as playing and creating memories with our regular campers.

Campers will also get to have a one-on-one campfire chat with the camp directors—a unique opportunity that will have new campers ready for our incredible overnight camp experience.

This year we have two Walden Long Weekends


The family Weekend

We invite all Camp Walden families, alumni, and prospective campers’ families and friends for a chance to enjoy the Walden experience together. Priority will be given to those families who have registered campers and have never visited the property before.

Enjoy meals in our Dining Hall, activities on our private lake, sports activities galore, and our spacious cabins with your family and friends. Included in this memorable weekend will be evening programs, campfires, games and much more!

We hope you will join us for a unique weekend combining family time and the fun of summer camp.

Only 91 days left until camp!

New to Walden? Have a look at our Information Sessions or find out about our Discovery Programs.

Already registered? Make sure to fill out our Spring Registration Form so we have all of your up-to-date information.